ELIGIBILITY: 1st grade through 8th grade who have completed an intro clinic or at least one season of league play
OBJECTIVE: Intended to help players get ready for the spring season. Hones skills and reinforces fundamentals.
FULL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Helmet, Shoulder/Chest Pads, Elbow Pads, Gloves, Stick, Mouthguard. Protective cup highly recommended.
Fee: $190
Days: Sundays
Dates: 2/2, 2/9, 2/16, 2/23 (Note updated dates-- start/end date changed due to cancellations on 1/12, 1/19 and 1/26 due to snow)
Time: 12:15-1:30 pm
Location: St. Andrew's Episcopal School – Hope Field (outdoor turf field) -- 8804 Postoak Road, Potomac MD 20854
Note: Girls Skills & Drills Clinic will take place at the same time/location but will be separate.
Sorry! Clinic is full-- registration has closed.
*There is a $25 processing fee for all canceled registrations. No refunds after 1/10.
ELIGIBILITY: 2nd through 8th grade
OBJECTIVE: Get ready for the spring rec season-- learn the fundamentals of the game. For players with 1 season or less who are signed up for the spring rec season. Skill stations will be used to teach the fundamentals in a fun, active, and safe way. This clinic fulfills the requirement that players in the Boys Rec 4th/5th grade division and older must have prior experience before playing in our rec league this spring.
FULL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Helmet, Shoulder/Chest Pads, Elbow Pads, Gloves, Stick, Mouthguard. Protective cup highly recommended.
Fee: $70
Day: Sunday
Date: 2/23
Time: 1:45 - 3:15 pm (Note newly updated time)
Location: St. Andrew's Episcopal School - Hope Field (outdoor turf field) -- 8804 Postoak Road, Potomac MD 20854
Note: Girls Intro Clinic will take place at the same time/location but will be separate.
Registration is OPEN!
*There is a $25 processing fee for all canceled registrations. No refunds after 2/15.
ELIGIBILITY: 4 year olds to Kindergarten
OBJECTIVE: For our youngest players! Learn the basics of the game while having a TON OF FUN! Players will go over the fundamentals of the game and play FUN “games” to work on skills.
NO EQUIPMENT NECESSARY: Stick and t-shirt provided with registration!
Fee: $210
Days: Sundays
Dates: 3/30, 4/6, 4/13, 4/27, 5/4 (no clinic on 4/20 — Easter)
Time: 1:45-2:30pm
Location: St. Andrew's Episcopal School – outdoor turf field -- 8804 Postoak Road, Potomac MD 20854
Registration is OPEN!
*No refunds after 3/15. There is a $25 processing fee for all canceled registrations prior to the 15th.
ELIGIBILITY: Kindergarten through 8th grade
OBJECTIVE: Learn the fundamentals of the game for players with 1 season or less. Skill stations are used to teach in a fun, active, and safe way! Players will get lots of repetitions. Provides a great foundation before starting league play.
FULL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Helmet, Shoulder/Chest Pads, Elbow Pads, Gloves, Stick, Mouthguard. Protective cup highly recommended.
Fee: $255
Days: Sundays
Dates: 3/30, 4/6, 4/13, 4/27, 5/4 (no clinic on 4/20 — Easter)
Time: 12:15-1:30pm
Location: St. Andrew's Episcopal School – outdoor turf field -- 8804 Postoak Road, Potomac MD 20854
Registration is OPEN!
*No refunds after 3/15. There is a $25 processing fee for all canceled registrations prior to the 15th.
After a lot of research and a tremendous amount of experience running clinics - most sessions follow the model of small groups (broken up by age and skill level) rotating through stations for a majority of the time together.
This format allows the players to get a ton of touches on the ball, stay engaged throughout the session, avoid standing in lines, learn from various trained coaches instead of just one voice for the duration of the clinic and to perform a variety of skills/fundamentals essential to be successful on the lacrosse field. In short - the players are learning through constant repetition so they can take those learned skills with them into game situations.
Boys Clinics - Vicki Langerman
Girls Clinics - Stacey Crowley